Sunday, March 3, 2013

Girls 80's Costume Ideas


a) PREPPY LOOK: Argyle sweater/cardigan OR boxy jacket with shoulder pads OR sweater tied around the shoulders-paired with skirt or jeans (straight leg or skinny jeans)


b) CASUAL LOOK: Long, brightly-colored T-shirt tied in a knot on the side-paired with jeans or leggings OR belted long, over-sized blouse-paired with leggings


c) VALLEY GIRL LOOK: Layered t-shirts with or without jean jacket-paired with a flared skirt over leggings


d) ATHLETIC LOOK: Layered t-shirts or ripped sweatshirts (keep it modest, thoughJ)-paired with leggings or sweats with leg warmers. Optional: elastic headband worn above eyebrows

Wear penny loafers, brightly-colored sneakers, pumps, or ballet flats for shoes. Wear your hair teased, curled, or ratted…big hair was in! If you wear bangs, gel them up and over to the side. Wear bright-colored headbands, scrunchies, jewelry, and/or big glasses or sunglasses.